After a long lockdown, Japan is seeing an uptick in domestic and international tourism again. While a welcome boon for local merchants, it also causes problems for residents of popular tourist destinations.

slam dunk land trouble

October, Japan opened the country to foreigners for tourists 3 years ago. At the same time, the Japanese prefectural and federal governments provide tourism assistance (national travel assistance; Nationwide travel support), a set of vouchers and discount programs to facilitate domestic travel to various regions of the country.

The influx is good for business, but some spots that have suddenly become hot attractions are causing trouble for residents.

Kamakura is always a hot destination for domestic and foreign tourists. Between the seaside views, the bustling business district, the Big Buddha, and the vast history of this place, there is something for everyone.

However, Kamakura has a railroad crossing made famous by the basketball manga/anime. slam dunkThe cute green and yellow train that connects Enoshima and Kamakura is bustling with tourists from Japan and abroad to take pictures.

Most visitors take pictures from the side of the road following the track. However, many people stand in the middle of the road. This resulted in several collisions with passing drivers and cyclists.

A motorcycle tries to pass two tourists standing in the middle of the street.

It’s so bad that the police put up signs in three languages ​​telling people to stay off the road. (And yes, translations can take some work.)

A sign telling tourists not to enter the roadway (in English, "do not leave the road")

Garbage, garbage, everywhere

Kamakura isn’t the only city feeling unruly tourist pressure. FNN showed footage of visitors to Tokyo’s Shin-Okubo, known for its numerous Korean cosmetics stores and beauty spots. Eating (Eating while walking). Unfortunately, many people camp and eat right outside the parking lot or the entrance of the locals. Reporters also found many cases of trash dumped on the streets.

To be fair, Japan has kind of created a garbage problem. After 9/11, Tokyo has removed most of the public trash cans.As such, there are few places for people to dump their trash.

Still, it’s clear that at least some domestic and foreign tourists are exacerbating Japan’s most famous tourist trap with their actions. And it’s the locals who pay the price.

what to read next

Japan’s tourism pollution sparks fights, bans


[Special feature]Dangerous photography & littering continues! A series of nuisances at popular tourist destinations. FNN via YouTube

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